
Presentations I've given at various conferences.

  • The rise of the YAML engineer
    11 Jul 2024, EuroPython 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
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  • λ-blocks: Data Processing with Topologies of Blocks
    03 Jul 2018, IEEE International Congress on Big Data, San Francisco (California, USA)
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  • Online Metrics Prediction in Monitoring Systems
    16 Apr 2018, Infocom 2018, DCPerf (Workshop on Big Data and Cloud Performance), Honolulu (Hawaii, USA)
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  • Contributions to large-scale data processing systems
    05 Fev 2018, PhD defense, Grenoble (France)
    download slides, download handout
  • Locality-aware routing in stateful streaming applications
    16 Dec 2016, Middleware'16, Trento (Italy)
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  • Debsources on mobile
    09 Jul 2016, DebConf16, Cape Town (South Africa)
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  • Debsources as a Platform
    18 Aug 2015, DebConf15, Heidelberg (Germany)
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  • Debsources: Dive into Debian source code!
    11 Apr 2015, MiniDebConf, Lyon (France)
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  • [fr] Introduction à Docker
    16 May 2014, Savoir-faire Linux, Montréal (Canada)
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