Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig, Germany
Posted: February 26, 2018
I'm quite late on the recap, but here's the list of the talks I attended during 34c3, the 34th Chaos Communication Congress:
Day 1
Eröffnung: Tuwat
Dude, you broke the Future!
Demystifying network cards
The Enemy: face-to-face with combatants
WTFrance: a sneak peek into French politics and cryptography
How can you trust formally verified software?
Tightening the Net in Iran
Day 2
Mobile Data Interception from the Interconnection Link
We should share our secrets
Reverse Engineering FPGAs
May contain DTraces of FreeBSD
Spy vs. Spy: A Modern Study Of Microphone Bugs Operation And Detection
Internet of Fails
Day 3
Lightning talks
Coming Soon: Machine-Checked Mathematical Proofs in Everyday Software and Hardware Development
History and implications of DRM
Net Neutrality Enforcement in the EU
Meeting with Debian contributors
Cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, etc.: revolutionary tech?
Meeting again with Debian friends
Protecting Your Privacy at the Border
How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions
Decoding Contactless (Card) Payments
Day 4
Library operating systems
Lightning talks
Briar - Resilient P2P Messaging for Everyone
Privacy Shield - Lipstick on a Pig?
The Internet in Cuba: A Story of Community Resilience
Tracking Transience